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AP Courses – Indian Context


Advanced Placement (AP) Courses are college-level classes offered in a wide variety of subjects that students can take while still in high school. They are typically offered at the junior or senior level of high schools in US. Students in India are expected to take in their 11th grade. Schools in US offer classes for their students to prepare them for these tests. However, students in India, have to study on their own by referring to books or study using Learning center’s such as Uwezo Learning.

AP courses are run by the College Board, the same organization that administers the SAT. Each AP course ends with a standardized exam developed and scored by the College Board on a scale of 1 to 5. If a student scores well on the exam, he/she may be able to earn college credits and prepare for college.

AP curriculum for each of the various subjects is created for the College Board by a panel of experts and college-level educators in their academic discipline. Colleges and universities in the US and elsewhere may grant placement and course credit to students who obtain qualifying scores in the examination.

AP Classes can be categorized broadly as follows:
· AP Arts
· AP English
· AP History and Social Sciences
· AP Math and Computer Sciences
· AP Sciences
· AP World Language & Cultures

Note, that there are multiple courses under each category. Students need to check website and choose courses appropriately. Most online stores such as Amazon carry books for each of the courses. However, the thing to note is that not all high schools offer all AP courses, so it is important to check with your school or the schools you took or plan to take SAT to see which ones are available and plan accordingly. Typically, the registration deadline is around Oct-Nov time frame with late registration around January. Again, check with the school to get the exact deadline. Various exams are offered at different times and days between May 6th to May 17th to facilitate students taking multiple courses. The fee for taking the AP Course may vary between $150 to $200 or INR 15k to 20K

Some of the advantages taking AP Courses are:

· Students completing 4 to 5 AP courses may graduate a semester early if they so desire.

· Most importantly schools look at students completing these courses with the intent shown very favourably. It shows to the college admission counselors that the student is willing to work hard and go the extra mile to succeed in college.

· Research shows that students who take AP courses and exams typically achieve greater academic success in college and have higher graduation rates than those who have not taken AP courses.

In the Indian context, it is advisable that students studying in the state or CBSE syllabus show their intent by completing a few AP Classes. Especially those who intend to study STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) programs. It makes them prepare academically and help build skills and confidence for US College studies. AP Classes offer a higher level of academic rigor than regular high school syllabus offers. Engaging with challenging coursework prepares students for the academic demands they will encounter in college. These classes promote critical thinking, analytical skills, and effective time management—skills vital for success in higher education. The rigorous nature of AP courses equips students with the necessary foundation and mindset to thrive in college-level studies. Further, they provide necessary transition skills going from high school to college.

More information about AP Courses coaching can be obtained by emailing to

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