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Why go through so many books when you can get everything at Uwezo in 200 pages? Our Analytics Tool Omar guarantees improvement.
Don’t take chances when choosing the right college. Uwezo has a 100% placement rate.
Confused about which career path to take? Uwezo counselors will get you to your destination – guaranteed.
With 8+ years of experience and own question bank, Uwezo towers above the rest.
Our dedicated teachers won’t let you fail. Come experience the difference.
While others throw you into a big room like a herd of sheep, Uwezo gives individual attention to every student.
our mentors

They'll guide you from day one.

While our management team has earned its stripes over the past several years (see About Us), what keeps the Uwezo engine running every day is our professional team of teachers, marketeers and administrative staff.