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SAT Digital Adaptive Mocks

College Board has moved to Digital format for all international SAT testing from March, 2023 testing onwards. Digital

The biggest variation in the new digital format is “Multistage Adaptive Testing.” This means that the SAT will now “adapt” to present questions that are more appropriate to a student’s performance level.

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    Students will take the SAT on a laptop or tablet, using a custom-built digital exam application that they’ll download in advance of test day.

    In a digital multistage adaptive SAT test, each test section (Reading and Writing, Math) is divided into two stages, called modules. Students answer a set of questions in the first module before moving on to the next. The questions in the second module are configured based on performance in the first module.

    Uwezo Learning has introduced adaptive testing for its students starting Feb. 2023. Uwezo has started working on adaptive tests as soon as College Board announced testing will be digital and adaptive.

    Uwezo not only wants its students to use the mock SAT Digital adaptive tests but open up to the world and let students take advantage of it at a nominal cost of Rs1500 plus GST. Below is the process flow on how to go about it.
