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College Prep Program : Peace of Mind

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College Prep Program : Peace of Mind (POM)

Uwezo Learning’s College Prep:Peace of Mind™comprises of all the right ingredients to help students stand out from the crowd – precisely what colleges are seeking. The program not only offers PSAT, SAT, ACT, Advanced Placement, among others, but turns students into problem solvers: they develop life skills, leadership abilities and an empathetic nature. So, no matter what their future holds – revolutionizing healthcare with AI, running a business, creating legislation against cyber terrorism, or saving lives in war-torn geographies – PoM students will be ready and willing.

UWEZO College Prep : Peace of Mind™ Program Framework

Our Peace Of Mind (POM) Framework:


Student's current profile assessed
Uwezo gathers student info beyond academics


Gaps Analyzed for target unis
We determine what student is lacking to enter target unis


College plan developed
A detailed action plan with deadlines including for extracurriculars
*Profile enhancement starts here


Thriving in College
A course on critical thinking, decision making, etc.


PSAT, SAT or ACT rigorous prep


10 unis selected
We select 10 unis with varying acceptance rates


Essays, LoRs, etc.
Uwezo helps craft world-class essays
*Profile enhancement ends here


Admitted to 2-4 unis!
Yes, you'll get accepted into 2-4 unis!

Our Peace Of Mind (POM) Framework:


Student's current profile assessed
Uwezo gathers student info beyond academics


Gaps Analyzed for target unis
We determine what student is lacking to enter target unis


College plan developed
A detailed action plan with deadlines including for extracurriculars
*Profile enhancement starts here


Admitted to 2-4 unis!
Yes, you'll get accepted into 2-4 unis!


Thriving in College
A course on critical thinking, decision making, etc.


Essays, LoRs, etc.
Uwezo helps craft world-class essays
*Profile enhancement ends here


10 unis selected
We select 10 unis with varying acceptance rates


PSAT, SAT or ACT rigorous prep

you get

PoM™ Turns Students into Leaders

Universities do not want just followers, they want leaders and problem solvers. Below are some examples of what students in our Peace of Mind Program have accomplished.

Prithvi accompanied his father to the hospital for an eye exam, only to find out that his father was suffering from glaucoma. Prithvi also realized that an easier, less expensive method of checking for glaucoma would have helped identify the problem much sooner. He got to work: Using Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Prithvi built an advanced system to detect glaucoma in patients with 95% accuracy.

A group of 9th and 10th graders showered solar light on the government school at Janwada by raising funds and installing solar panels for their computer room. Even though the school had received a donation of computers from TCS, they could not use them due to sporadic power supply. Now, the computers run 24×7, thanks to our young PoM Leaders. Abhishek, of Team Solar Uwezo: “I hope Uwezo will continue to provide such challenging and interesting opportunities for us to grow while serving the community!”

If there's a way to leverage technology to serve the community, Pranay and Pranav, 11th and 12th graders, found it. They developed an App to match donors of used items – remember the last house move! - with NGOs working with underprivileged localities. The donors benefit by not having to work with multiple organizations while the recipients gain access to laptops, study desks, clothes, kitchen items, and furniture amont other useful items. The donors, if they choose to, can remain anonymous. Win-win!

When they found out that a small village was being forced to consume contaminated water, a group of 9th and 10th graders decided to take action. The team raised over Rs 1,50,000 and purchased a water purifier machine. They worked with the Sarpanch, who built a room to house the system as well as provided electrical connection. The families can now purchase water from this new setup at one-fourth the cost of buying from regular stores. Ishita Chawla, of Team Water Uwezo: “This project was far more difficult than first anticipated, but the gratification of helping society is matchless!”

Sreshta, a 10th grader, put together a “Plant Communicator”, an IoT project. The system, consisting of both hardware and software, allows the plant to “communicate” when it needs water. The real-world applications of this are mind boggling – imagine the amount of water saved by farmers when they use it efficiently!

Keerthana's grandmother was suffering from memory loss and not taking medicines on time. She teamed up with Sekhar and Krish to create a “Alzheimer's Pillbox” consisting of 4 compartments, each with its own light and a buzzer as reminders. The device consisted of hardware and software to program the Pillbox to send reminders at specific times. Finally, they printed the box using a 3D printer – what better way to show compassion, tech skills, and creativity.

Inspired by Mr. Arunachalam Muruganantham’s invention of a low cost sanitary napkins maker, a team of Uwezoans raised Rs. 4,50,000 and procured a machine, subsequently donating it to an NGO for women. Their door-to-door campaign in low-income communities revealed that women and girls, who could afford, were buying expensive branded napkins. With this machine, the NGO could sell the sanitary pads at half the cost while providing employment to 3-4 vulnerable women, helping them stand on their own feet. Shreya: “This was a fascinating project that not only allowed the team to address a serious women’s issue, but also enhanced our college profile by helping us stand out in a crowd!”

A group of boys and girls from different grades organized “She-A-Thon”, a 5K Run on the streets of Hyderabad. They had to not only get permission from the police but also found sponsors to set up stalls at the starting gate. The effort yielded more than Rs. 2,50,000 which the team promptly donated to Kasturbha Gandhi Memorial Trust, an organization in the service of promoting women's causes

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Gain Admission to your dream university
a reality with our Peace Of Mind (POM) program.

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